artikel af Mercola,
To recap, here are some basic guidelines for optimizing your dental health, safely and naturally:
Avoid fluoridated water and fluoridated toothpaste
Minimize your sugar and grain consumption and avoid processed foods. To really minimize your risk of cavities, limit dietary sugars to 3 percent of your total energy intake or less
Increase consumption of fresh vegetables, fermented foods and high-quality animal-based omega-3 fats
Practice good daily oral hygiene and get regular cleanings from a mercury-free dentist
Consider oil pulling with coconut oil, which is a powerful inhibitor of a large variety of pathogenic organisms
Det er vigtigt her at bemærke at det er sukker-arter der kommer ned i maven, som fremhæves som årsag til caries. Ikke så meget sukkerarter der får forbindelse med tandens overflade. Den største indsats bør gå imod reduktion af sukkerarter (velsagtens inkluderende sukkerarter i frugter, men ikke stivelse?)
Om oil pulling siges det:
Oil pulling14 is a practice dating back thousands of years, having its origins in Ayurvedic medicine. Basically, it involves rinsing your mouth with coconut oil, much like you would with a mouthwash. The oil is worked around your mouth by pushing, pulling and drawing it through your teeth for a period of 15 minutes. In the beginning, your cheeks and jaw may tire after just a few minutes, so you may need to work your way up to 15, but it’s well worth the effort.
Om K2 vitamin siges det:
Vitamin K2 is crucial for bone mineralization and unless you consume grass fed organic animal products and nonpasteurized fermented foods on a regular basis, there is a good chance you might be deficient in this important nutrient
Om omega-6 fedtsyrer siges det:
Importantly, the native diets also had at least 10 times more omega-3 fat than modern diets and far less omega-6 fats. Today, there’s ample evidence showing diets lacking in omega-3 fats while being heavy on omega-6s from vegetable oils (now found in most processed foods), are a recipe for disaster.