Den almindelige hjernevask går på at atombomber kun findes som kæmpe-bomber som Hiroshima, Nagasaki og Bikini-bomben.
Det er helt forkert. Atombomber er i dag hyppigere meget små bomber, der kan være så små som håndgranater.
Der er mange rapporter om at de har været anvendt i Afghanistan, Irak, Libanon, New York mm. USA invaderede Iraq i Gulf War I i 1991 bombede man de irakiske befæstninger med et pænt antal neutronbomber under en dækhistorie af at man brugte "fuel-air-bombs". Disse mini-atombomber neutraliserede de irakiske befæstninger, så USA kunne gøre landgang næsten uden at støde på modstand.
USA gjorde også flittig brug af mikro-atomvåben da de invaderede Afghanistan. Det regnede med atombomber nord for Kabul....
My brother is an ex-Marine (I know – no such thing). He told me months ago (rather casually, I’m afraid) – when we were arguing over the phone about Bush possibly using nukes on Iraq – that these were just low-grade depleted uranium nukes they were talking about using – NOT the mushroom-cloud generating nukes that we traditionally think of when we talk about nukes – e.g., the ones that were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki… Besides, he told me – the US had ALREADY used many of these low-grade depleted uranium nukes in Iraq, during the FIRST Persian Gulf war, back in the early 90’s.
He seemed to believe that this was common knowledge amongst the military, and most ex-military personnel. He said the only difference between Bush I and Bush II was that Bush II was being straight up front about the use of these weapons (as if that was something to commend him for…!!!)
So – I’m very inclined to believe this piece of scoop.”
“What I believe your brother meant, are LOW-YIELD nuclear weapons, i.e., of (relatively) low energy output, (between a few tons’ and a few hundred tons’ TNT-equivalent) which, due to clever design, such as the use of Red Mercury or Mercuric-Stibic Heptoxide (Hg2Sb2O7) as carrier and tamper for Pu-239 incorporated into its crystalline structure, combined with electromagnetic implosion using heavy fields generated by FCGs (Flux-Compression (explosive) Generators), can make even relatively miniscule amounts of Pu-239 fission, and are also much more efficient in the percentage of fissile material they manage to fission when they are initiated, so fallout is low, and the “Neutron Bomb” which is something like a very small nuke, produces a high-density neutron flux which can penetrate armor and also underground facilities and killed, most likely, the Iraqi soldiers in their dugouts in Kuwait, before they were bulldozed over.