har i nogle dage været rygter om at Deutsche Bank var på randen af et kollaps.
Her udspredes rygterne igen.
Hvis Deutsche Bank krakker, vil Euroen kollapse.
Hvis Merkel laver en bail-out af Deutsche Bank, vil det være ekstremt dobbeltmoralsk. Sammenlign med de græske banker... Og den tyske gæld vil gå gennem taget.
Hvis Merkel lader Deutsche Bank krakke, så vil den tyske industriproduktion gå i stå.
There is something nastily 2008 about the trading action in Deutsche. The shares have almost halved over the past month, falling from 21 euros to 13. They are down another 6 percent today. Earlier this week, its Yorkshire-born co-chief executive John Cryan took the unusual step of telling everyone the bank was ‘rock-solid’, while the German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble made a point of telling everyone he was not worried about Deutsche, which is bit like Roman Abramovich saying he totally backs whoever happens to be managing Chelsea this week.