Author Topic: Æter  (Read 6918 times)


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« on: September 09, 2014, 04:10:15 pm »

Gordon Duff slipper i denne artikel lidt information ud, som han har opsnuset om æteren og beslægtede emner.

Tyskerne gjorde gode fremskridt i studiet af æteren fra omkring 1920. Man arbejdede videre med en dansk opfindelse, der blev meget brugt under første verdenskrig, nemlig Poulsens kulbuesender.
Med et kraftigt magnetfelt stabiliserede man kulbuen, og når man tilsatte forskellige kemikalier som uran og hydrogenfluorid kunne man få forskellige interessante resultater. En af dem var kold fusion. Som tidligere nævnt havde Siemens før anden verdenskrig et patent på kold fusion. Pons og Fleischman havde kendskab til nogle af de gamle tyske undersøgelser af kold fusion, og de prøvede at genskabe den gamle tyske kolde fusion, da de havde succes. Deres opdagelse af kold fusion var en genopdagelse, som byggede på de gamle tyske opdagelser.

De tyske opdagelser var imidlertid mere omfattende, og omfattede opdagelser omkring uran, som tillod tyskerne at fremstille atombomber før det lykkedes for amerikanerne.

Det lykkedes også at fremstille antigravitation. Ifølge Gordon er det relativt enkelt. Magnetisme er et meget grundlæggende fænomen i universet, og den almindelige forståelse af magnetismen er temmeligt misforstået. Tyngdekraften er en afart af magnetisme, og ved passende anvendelse af magnetisme, gerne i forbindelse med plasma som i en lysbue kan man få opdrift, og man kan få genstande til at flyve. Dette interesserede tyskerne meget.   

Det hænger sammen med æterens eksistens. Æteren består af minimalt to komponenter, der i det periodiske system passer ind mellem hydrogen og helium, idet de har atomvægtene 2 og 3. De udgør det som fysikere med en tåget forståelse af æteren kalder sort energi og sort masse,

Magnetismen har en grundlæggende betydning for planeter som jorden. Der er en langsom magnetisk svingning ved en frekvens på på mellem 3.13 og 3.14 Hz, som skaber det folk kender som jordstråling og det som skaber de forskellige jordstråle-linier på jordens overflade, og "telluriske strømme". Med en stor spole kan man opfange fri energi fra disse svingninger. Disse magnetiske svinginger er årsag til det vi oplever som tyngdekraft. Man kan afskærme mod tyngdekraften ved hjælpe af passende plasmaer, og derved lave flyvende maskiner. Mange tyske rapporter blev skrevet i Kernphysikalische Forschungsberichte, et tidsskrift som var hemmeligtstemplet indtil 1971, hvorefter mange af numrene kan findes i Karlsruhe.


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Re: Æter
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 01:17:11 pm »

Kunstig tyngdekraft mm
Gondon Duff har gennem kontakter i militæret og regeringslaboratorier opsnuset noget om den æterteori, som holdes hemmelig.

Den almindeligt anerkendte teori for atomkernens opbygning, hvor stærke og svage kernekræfter holder kernen sammen trods coulombsk frastødning mellem protonerne, holder ikke. En bedre og mere praktisk anvendelig teori opfatter magnetiske kræfter som de dominerende i kernen. 
"Neutron is dimagnetic and the Proton is paramagnetic"
De magnetiske kræfter bliver så også afgørende for tyngdekraften, og antigravitation og flyvende tallerkner bliver forholdsvis simple at fremstille med magnetiske midler.

Atombomber bliver desværre også forholdsvis simple at fremstille, idet man kan starte kernereaktioner med simple magnetiske og elektriske metoder. Det er vel en af grundene til at vi efterhånden ser ret hyppig anvendelse af mikroatombomber. (9/11 var et eksempel)  Og måske en af grundene til at man undertrykte den kolde fusion.


Ole Nielsen

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Re: Æter
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 03:29:35 am »
Ganske interessant teori. Her er noget mere af samme type:

Magnetisk monopol med spole viklet som en terning: Feltet kan få støbejernskugler til at flække og frigøre energien eksplosionsagtigt.

Personen med denne kanal havde nogle andre videoer, der nu er fjernet, hvor der blev demonstreret at en magnet kan løfte træ, kobber osv. når emnerne først blev opladet med en håndholdt Van de Graaf generator.

Måske er det værd at bygge nogle detektorer for disse typer felter. Hvis det er neutroner er strålingen sikkert sundhedsskadelig. Walther Russell har også noget alternativ teori til forklaring af naturen. Der er en del af hans forklaring i "The Phoenix Archives Pleiades Connection Series" Der er en frygtelig masse læsestof der kræver masser af tid at komme igennem. Der ligger også nogle bøger af Walter og Lao Russell rundt omkring på internettet.



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Walther Russel
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2014, 05:48:40 pm »
Jeg har nogle bøger af Walther Russel på mine boghylder, bl. a. "The Universal One".

Jeg har efterhånden fået anbefalet Russels bøger fra flere sider.
Erik fra DIFØT har sagt de skulle indeholde information som var væsentlig for fri energi maskiner.
Theo (Almeida?) fra Tyskland, der arbejder med HHO til biler, anbefaler Russels bøger som indeholdende vigtige oplysninger, bl. a. om frekvenser.
 Michael Stroh, der arbejder med fungerende frienergimaskienr og antigravitation, nævner at noget af den væsentligste information af disse ting findes i Russels bog "The Universal One".
Jeg har skimmet "The Universal One". Den indeholder en masse nonsens, som det er svært at kæmpe sig igennem, når man skal læse det. Men den indeholder også nogle ideer om æteren, som måske har værdi. Den fremhæver æteren som værende en slags bevidst tankestof, hvoraf alt fysisk er dannet. Grundlæggende er forskellige frekvenser, og magnetisme og elektricitet i en art vortexbevægelse. Bogen er vel fra ca 1935, hvor nazisterne havde travlt med æter-forsøg. Måske noget information herfra er sivet til Walther Russel, som så har skrevet sine bøger. Walthers forståelse er nok meget begrænset, og han har tilsyneladende ikke lavet nogen forsøg. Han har bare filosoferet over nogle grundlæggende tanker, og har formuleret en lang række ideer og konklusioner, hvoraf mange, måske de fleste, er forkerte.


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Mere fra Gordon Duff
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2014, 05:56:21 pm »

Gordon har her fundet et gammel dokument fra Sandia Labs (som laver atombomber) om et antigravitations-fænomen i forbindelse med atom-eksplosioner. Det har før været nævnt at plasmakuglen efter en atomeksplosion kunne rive hul i tid og rum, og have effekter, som var ud over den normale fysik. En af grundene til at atomteknologi skulle holdes hemmeligt.
I dette dokument fortælles det at når elektron-koncentracionen i en plasma overstiger 3000 frie elektroner per cm3, så optræder et anti-gravitations-fænomen. Plasmakuglen oplever noget der kaldes "electron-disconnect", hvor plasma-kuglen ophører med at være forbundet til tyngdekraften. Der opstår "magnetic buoyancy", altså magnetisk løftekraft eller opdrift. 


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Re: Æter
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2014, 06:10:32 pm »

Zero point energy is based on the Aether theory. Since Aether has a dielectric constant of 1 it can neither store nor lose an electrical charge. There for it is the perfect medium for the loss less transmission of energy. The Aethers function is to only transfer energy without loss. Aether sits between hydrogen and Helium on the periodic table taking up positions # two and three in “atomic weight”. One is called dark energy and the other is called dark matter.

Einstein only said that since aether was a lossless substance that is carried along with the earth like our atmosphere, you could basically ignore it in all calculations because it acts as an invisible substance. He never said that it did not exist. IE if space is curved because all magnetic lines of force are curved then it cannot be empty. Magnetism is the primary electro motive force that drives the universe. You cannot create nor destroy an electron, proton or a neutron. They are the only particles that do work (energy)or create matter. All sub atomic theory is nothing but science fiction that will never be proven.

There has never been one single sub atomic particle that has ever been detected in any nuclear explosion!!!! So the CERN ion-collider is a joke. They got it up to 4 million TERRA VOLTS at 64 micro watts per second or Jewels and nothing. No god particle exists, just junk science. Even if sub atomic particles do exist, anything smaller than a Gamma ray is not detectable. Sub atomic particles do no work nor create matter. It is the so called “lines of force” that hold all matter together and control the universe. They are the smallest particles if you want to call them a particle. The word particle means inadvisable.

By studying the effects of nuclear explosions or chain reactions you learn how the universe really works. The earth oscillates at about 3.14 hertz. Actually slightly less about 3.13 Hertz. All planets and stars oscillate due to the fact that they are spherical resonators isolated in space. You can see this oscillation on any really good computer based audio spectrum analyzer program. The signal sits at about -60DB. Tesla discovered this. It is not Schumann resonance. That is atmospheric oscillations only. If you tune into this with a really big coil you can draw energy from it. This is the true zero point energy.

If you use a magnetometer program in your cell phone you can find local hot spots that amplify this signal. They are called lay lines and nodes or anti nodes. Back in the 1920’s they were called earth currents. or telluric currents. You can wiki that. Gravity is based on this oscillation. The square root of 9.81 meters per second is PI.or 3.13 hertz. Gravity is the earth’s angular velocity due to rotation. This produces negative buoyancy by the body absorbing magnetic field lines. A gyro locks onto this signal. That is how it works. In order to create anti-gravity or to cancel gravity you simply push out the magnetic field lines using plasma. This is called positive buoyancy. Just like in ships and hot air balloons. Hot air is a plasma. This is how UFO’s work.

The key is magnetic buoyancy using plasma shielding of some type.


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Re: Æter
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2014, 06:14:57 pm »

The Poulsen arc converter is a continuous duty arc generator with a tuned connected across the arc. The negative resistance characteristics of an electric arc permits the creation of a relaxation oscillator that converts direct current in to radio frequency energy. The arc converter consisted of a water-cooled chamber in which the arc burned in hydrogen gas between a cathode and a water-cooled anode. Above and below this chamber there are two series of field coils surrounding the two poles of the magnetic circuit. These poles are projected into the chamber, one on each side of the arc to provide a very intense magnetic field. The magnetic field helps to stabilize the arc and improve the efficiency of the plasma field.

Experimentation with this began as far back as WW1 by the Germans for the purpose of artificially making Helium gas out of Hydrogen gas. IE the basis of early German nuclear fusion experimentation was based on the cut off of American helium supply during the 1920’s and 30’s.

These reactions were well known by German scientist at the time and during WW2 it was weaponized by the Nazi’s resulting in the so called Nazi Bell experiments involving both nuclear Fission and nuclear Fusion research. In the Germans rush to develop nuclear weapons using this process they also discovered the phenomenon of Magnetic Buoyancy or Anti-Gravity.Early research into nuclear fission and fusion were published in Kernphysikalische Forschungsberichte (Research Reports in Nuclear Physics), this was a internal publication of the German Uranverein. Reports in this publication were classified Top Secret, by the Nazi high command and they had very limited distribution.

The authors were not allowed to even keep copies. The reports were confiscated under the Allied Operation Alsos and sent to the United States Atomic Energy Agency for evaluation.In 1971, most of the reports were declassified and returned to Germany. The surviving reports are available at the Karlsruhe Research Center. The Alsos Mission was part of the Manhattan Project during WW2 to create an atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project was also put in charged of coordinating foreign intelligence related to enemy nuclear activity, and the Alsos Mission was created to investigate the German nuclear Energy program.

The key to this discovery was the use of a modified WW1 era device used in very high powered spark gap transmitters called a Poulsen Ark Generator modified to be feed with either uranium oxide in a liquid form that was vaporized in an atomizer before undergoing electromagnetic compression in an arc chamber or by injecting the cell with a form of deuterium fluoride gas producing a low level nuclear reaction. IE Cold Fusion. By creating massive plasma balls that were contained within the arc chamber the Germans also discovered the effect of magnetic buoyancy or anti-gravity.

It was found that a very large plasma fire ball when properly contained and controlled would push out the magnetic field lines of the earth and the device would lose weight having to be chained down in some instances due to the massive repulsive force generated by the plasma fire ball against the earths natural magnetic field lines.

This diamagnetic effect was so strong that the Germans under the command of the SS tried to weaponize the effect. The results were called the Nazi Bell experiments on anti gravity propulsion and nuclear fission/fusion.

One of the biggest side effects were that every time they ran the reactor massive amounts of nuclear radiation would be released. The radiation problem was so sever that experiments could only be ran for a few minutes at a time. Engineers and technicians working on the project had to be constantly replace due to massive radiation sickness killing them off like flies. After the war the technology disappeared under project Paperclip. Recently some documents on the project have been discovered in old WW2 era KGB archives including the flowing drawings. More information on this technology will be published in a new upcoming book on the hidden history of German nuclear weapons and anti-gravity research.


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Re: Æter
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2014, 06:23:41 pm »
But then something very strange happened while on the way to the atom smasher. Wile E. Coyote’s trusted lab assistant E.Thud dropped one of their super high powered Neodymium magnets used in there particle accelerator and broke it.

They didn’t have any more money to get one in time off of EBAY. Without two matched magnets to use in their particle accelerator their Neutron bombardment experiments would be no good. Despite this setback, they decided to go ahead with there scientific research into Very Low Energy Neutron Deflection. What they discover was worthy of a Nobel Prize in Physics.

But unfortunately for them they don’t give out Nobel Prizes in physics to Cartoon characters even if they are renowned particle physicists that worked for Loony Tune Movies. Their discovery was simply astonishing.

    They discovered that when they fired a low speed neutron beam at a very high intensity magnetic mono pole piece, that the Neutrons deflected away from the magnetic mono-pole no matter what polarity. They were dumbfounded, how could all of the physics books have got it so wrong?

    Could it be that the Neutron was actually Diamagnetic and not Neutral. (Editor’s note:  Our cartoon characters just eliminated that nasty Newtonian force once known as “gravity,” that and a few other basic laws of physics that now seem to have been more “suggestions” or hypotheses backed by flawed math and falsified experimental data)

Meaning that the structure of the atom was improperly being described as being held together by the mysterious strong and weak nuclear forces, or was it just simply equal amounts of magnetic attraction and repulsion of the orbiting electrons that held the nucleus of the atom together?
When the mutual attraction of the Proton is in balance with the mutual repulsion of the Neutron their forces cancel being held together only by the magnetic field lines of the orbiting electrons.

If their discovery that the Neutron is dimagnetic and the Proton is paramagnetic then a simple Townsend Electron Discharge could blow apart an unstable fissile atom and trigger a low level nuclear reaction and that gravity is simple magnetic buoyancy. (Editor’s note:  Yes, we just invented the weightless tennis shoe among other things)

So there is no such thing as the weak force, the strong force or gravity to deal with. Every thing boils down to just simple magnetism? No Einstein needed here. (Editor’s note:  Oh, unified field theory solved and nobody told us?)


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Detlef Reimers
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2014, 07:02:10 pm »

Jean, please listen carefully again to Bearden’s exact words, he never spoke about an easy formula. To the contrary, the simple fact that Maxwells 20 equations of electrodynamics were written down with the help of Quaternions (an extension of vectors, mathematically dealt with by using matrices), inhibiting 20 unknowns was extremely complex.

In fact, mostly they are a set of differential equations, which are by their nature non linear. This complexity and the unwillingness (lazyness or limited capabilities in some cases) to use this difficult, but at the same time wonderfully formulated theoretical foundation of the whole E/M universe, later led to the misinterpretation and re-writing by several mathematicians and physicians – one of them was Heavyside.

Either by intent or, equally likely, by lack of insight and not knowing how to handle this enormous set of equations to find applications and special solution, which could lead to practical use, they shortened and simplified (and by doing this, shortened the possible number of solutions substantially) them.

There was no theoretical justification for doing this, whatsover. But nonetheless, it happened. The then following scientist didn’t learn quaternions mathematical theory and also not the original Maxwells formulation of Electrodynamics, but the translated (either into standard differential or integral formulation). Exactly this is teached since then in high school and universities.

In 1890-1980 there was no computer avaliable to numerically get solutions, because the theory of differential equations and their solutions (now mostly done by sophisticated approximation methods, which heavily use the capabilities of computer). Now, everyone can use a simple PC to get solutions with a little help of programming languages, utilizing freely avaliable math libaries.

Some physicists around 1900 already knew, there was something wrong about the over-simplified Maxwell equations (Lorentz, by the way, was one of the most prominent proponents of the simplifications). They already tried to work with Maxwells originals and came to some astounding conclusions

1. There is a clear connection between gravity | inertia and electrodynamic forces and waves.

2. Scalar waves exist, not only waves (as we are taught), in which the direction of spreading is perpendicular to the direction of the electrical or magnetical amplitude.

3. The “normal” production and use of electrical energy is a classic example of massive waste. This is mainly due to the theoretically misunderstnading of the real inner workings of an electrical load inside a circuit with a dissipator. Over unity circuits DON’T violate the laws of energy conservation, of electrodynamics and of thermodynamics (especially the 2. law).

4. The aether exists. In fact, THIS is the true source of all matter and energy and by that also of life itself (today, it is ordinary knowledge that, from a solely technical standpoint, living creatures are chemical/electromagnetic energy machines, working with an amazing efficieny).

5. The unification of all the fundamental forces is already done. “Official” science is a big scam to let us pay for ever and never learn anything real. Energy is freely avaliable everywhere, the technologies (many variations of them) basically are already avaliable. But they must be suppressed, for our disadvantage!


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Re: Æter
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2014, 08:38:03 pm »

The Atomic Energy Commission / DOE. It has been discovered that after an intense study by the A.E.C on the effects of the plasma fire ball in a nuclear explosion. (See, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. 1958, A.E.C – D.O.D.)

Personal correspondence monitored by G-2 between the above mentioned persons and several other prominent physicists working at the Los Alamos National Labs both during and after WW2 proves they had privately corresponded with Mr. Albert Einstein concerning the newly discovered effects of Magnetic Buoyancy in a nuclear explosion.

Dating from information acquired in the July 1945 Trinity Nuclear test at Alamogordo, New Mexico, descriptions of both “the measured and observed effects” were quietly passed on to Mr. Einstein from 1945 to 1954 by visiting physicists from Los Alamos National Labs that were attending scientific meetings at Princeton University. Their intent was in proving Einsteins Space Time Continuum Theory and his theories on Relativity.

    G-2 reports that Mr Einstein did confirm that the data provided to him by his fellow colleagues paralleled his work and that the concept of magnetic buoyancy in a confined plasma would confirm his theory’s on the Space Time Continuum and Gravity. The concept being that all space is curved due to magnetic lines of force forming the fabric of space, ie., Space Time. Therefore,  magnetic buoyancy could be the true cause of gravity.

By pushing out theses magnetic lines of force or manipulating them in other ways, a person could easily manipulate gravity by the use of highly charged plasmas in confinement forming a magnetic or gravitational shield around a space craft. Einsteins descriptions could then be interpreted as describing gravity wells, space time distortions and worm holes as simple manipulations of the solar systems magnetic field lines surrounding the earth or a space ship.

The concept of creating magnetic bubbles (similar to the earths magnetosphere) surrounding a space craft in flight would also lead to the possibilities of faster than light speeds.

Due to national security concerns at the time and the ongoing investigations against prominent Los Alamos physicists for leaking classified data on the atomic bomb program to non security cleared physicists, lead to a complete black out on this information from becoming public.


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Re: Æter
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2015, 10:39:10 am »

her fortælles at det russiske militær er udrustet med æter-våben, der kan de-aktivere næsten al moderne elektronik på 5 kms afstand.
Så i tilfælde af en større konfrontation mellem NATO og Rusland, så skal man forvente at elektronikken i mange vestlige våbensystemer vil svigte.