Author Topic: NASA indrømmer at de har kunstig gravitation  (Read 6183 times)


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NASA indrømmer at de har kunstig gravitation
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:56:40 pm »
Anomalous Thrust Production from an RF Test Device Measured on a Low-Thrust Torsion Pendulum

NASA har testet en t elektromagnetisk "reaction-less drive". En slags fremdriftsmidel, som har potentiale til at revolutionere rumfarten.



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Re: NASA indrømmer at de har kunstig gravitation
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2015, 02:52:22 pm »
 NASA, according to, is quietly claiming to have successfully tested a revolutionary new means of space travel that could one day allow for such insane speed, and to have done it in a hard vacuum like that of outer space for the first time.

The technology is based on the electromagnetic drive, or EM drive.

The science behind the EM drive is, well, complicated to say the least, but the basic idea is to convert electrical energy into thrust without propellant (the fuel in rockets), which should be impossible because it violates the law of conservation of momentum. That law states that momentum can only be changed by one of the forces described by Newton's laws of motion -- that's where propellant normally comes in with traditional rockets.

If you want to dive into the "hows" and "whys" of all this, they're discussed at length -- by amateur enthusiasts as well as Ph.Ds and one of the NASA engineers actually working on the EM drive -- on this forum.

Scientists from the US, UK and China have demonstrated the EM drive over the past 15 years or so, but it's been controversial, since as mentioned above, the EM drive would seem to violate classical physics. NASA's tests in conditions that mimic outer space, however, bring a new sense of possibility to electromagnetic propulsion.


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Re: NASA indrømmer at de har kunstig gravitation
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2015, 02:54:25 pm »

Space geeks are freaking out because NASA may have accidentally discovered a warp field, an avenue down which spaceships can travel faster than the speed of light – something that, to date, has only existed in science fiction.

But in the 1990s, physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed the idea of a wave that would cause the space ahead of a spacecraft to contract, while the space behind it expands. This distortion would create a warp bubble, in which a ship would travel while itself remaining stationary.

The tremendous amount of energy required made it impossible to translate Alcubierre’s vision into reality, however.

Building on his predecessor’s theories, Harold “Sonny” White of NASA’s Johnson Space Center made alterations that would significantly reduce the energy needs.

Read more:


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Re: NASA indrømmer at de har kunstig gravitation
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2015, 10:38:44 am »

endnu en artikel, der bekræfter at EmDrive virker. EmDrive er en mikrobølge-baseret kunstig gravitations-maskine. Den danner en kraft uden at man kan få øje på en modsat rettet kraft. Den bryder således Newtons 3. lov om at enhver kraft har en lige så stor og modsat rettet modkraft et eller andet sted. Man kalder også sådanne motorer for propellant-less drives. Altså "raket"-motorer som ikke udstøder noget som helst.

Selvfølgeligt har man udviklet sådanne motorer for mange år siden i al hemmelighed. Det nye er at man langsomt lader sive ud at de eksisterer, og at vores almindeligt kendte fysik, som forbyder den slags ting, er gennemhullet, og en slags korthus, som kunstigt holdes oppe af propaganda og deslige.

Man mindes historien om Podkletnov, som demonstrerede kunstig gravitation. Det var lidt vanskeligt at dysse ned, men det lykkedes.


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Re: NASA indrømmer at de har kunstig gravitation
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2016, 12:00:36 pm »


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Re: NASA indrømmer at de har kunstig gravitation
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2016, 10:25:03 am »

Vi har tidligere omtalt EMDrive opfundet af Roger Shawyer i 2001 er en "reaktionless drive". En art kunstig tyngdekraft vha nogle mikrobølger. NASA har testet det, og indrømmer modstræbende at det virker. En artikel om successen forventes offentliggjort snart i Journal of Propulsion and Power.

Det minder meget om Zinnsers opfindelse, der også var et reaktionless drive.

Eller Marconi ingeniøren Campbell, der blev myrdet for nogenlunde samme opfindelse.

Så opfindelsen er gjort mange gange før. Der er nu planer om at installere opfindelsen i en satellit.

Man mindes at Rusland tidligere har omtalt i en avis (vistnok Pravda) at de brugte en lignende opfindelse i satellitter til at flytte dem fra et kredsløb til et andet. Det var billigere/simplere end at bruge raketmotorer.

USA har haft lignende ting siden 1950erne....
