Author Topic: F-35  (Read 7665 times)


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« on: June 17, 2016, 08:34:27 am »
Danmark har minsandten besluttet sig for (eller fået ordre fra USA om ) at køb F-35 jagerfly. Det italienske firma som svindlede med IC4 togene skal efter sigende vedligeholde flyene.

Canada har tilsyneladende en mere fornuftig holdning

"The F-35 does not work and is far from working," said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a June 7 parliamentary debate, blasting the fighter jet that has cost the Pentagon over $1.5 trillion. Despite this exorbitant price tag, the jet continues to spontaneously shut down mid-flight due to software glitches.

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USA vil hævne sig på Canada:
This weekend, American defense contractor Lockheed Martin threatened to exclude Canadian companies from production of the much maligned F-35 fighter jet if the Trudeau government decides to instead purchase a fleet of Boeing’s Super Hornet fighter jets.

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